• 2016 Researcher Appreciation Day

    In recognition of Researcher Appreciation Day the Emory Medicine Recognitions Committee sent out a call for nominations for researchers across the School of Medicine who are making a difference in their field. Over 50 Emory researchers were nominated by their peers and colleagues for their groundbreaking research, development of new technologies, and continued pursuit of novel and innovative ideas.


    Read more about the amazing research happening at Emory below and join us in congratulating these faculty!

  • Featured Researchers

    Andrew Adams

    Andrew Adams

    Department of Surgery

    Dr. Adams' translational research involves xenotransplantation which will allow us to explore cross species transplantation.

    Shipra Arya

    Shipra Arya

    Department of Surgery

    Dr. Arya is an up-and-coming researcher who has just received an AHA career development award to support her research in peripheral vascular disease.

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    Nick Boulis

    Department of Neurosurgery

    Dr. Boulis leads a laboratory committed to developing clinical therapies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and chronic pain. He is using gene therapy and stem cells to support motor neurons and suppress pain.

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    Daniel Brat

    Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

    Dr. Brat led a team within the Cancer Genome Atlas project to decipher the genomic characteristics of low grade gliomas. This work impacts patients by assigning them to accurate prognostic groups, which helps decisions on adequate treatment regimens and grouping of patients in new clinical trials.

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    Jing Chen

    Department of Hematology & Medical Oncology

    Dr. Chen is defining genetic alterations that lead to cancer cell energetic reprogramming. His work suggest that specific diets might be developed to slow down the growth of specific cancers.

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    Caitlin Delfs

    Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

    Dr. Delfs' research involves evaluating the utility of telehealth medicine to train caregivers on how to teach their children with autism with limited language skills to request their wants and needs.

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    Christine Dunham

    Department of Biochemistry

    Dr. Dunham studies novel mechanisms of protein synthesis regulation and antibiotic tolerance using biochemical and structural biology approaches. She is one of few researchers in the world who can study the structure of the ribosome at a resolution of a few angstroms.

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    Victor Faundez

    Department of Cell Biology

    Dr. Faundez studies fundamental cellular mechanisms of synaptic membrane retrieval. His work involves exciting insights into complex biological problems.

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    Paula Frew

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Frew is a national leader on methods for trial recruitment from diverse communities. She is performing cutting-edge research on vaccine refusal.

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    Vasileios D. Gkogkas

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Gkogkas advances the field of vascular reparative therapy by spearheading novel translational research projects.

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    Robert E. Gross

    Department of Neurosurgery

    Dr. Gross leads the Translational Neuroengineering Research Lab, which focuses on developing novel approaches to functional disorders (such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and neurodegeneration) using biomedical, electrical, and computer engineering approaches. Dr. Gross’ lab leverages the remarkable strengths of Emory and Georgia Tech with a goal of bringing patient therapies to the commercial market. The areas of research are neural regeneration gene therapy, neuromodulation treatment for medically intractable epilepsy in animals, and human neuromodulation for neuropsychiatric disorders.

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    Hanjoong Jo

    Department of Biomedical Engineering

    Dr. Jo studies fundamental signaling mechanisms underlying vascular endothelial mechanoresponsiveness. He is developing nanotherapeutics based on miRNA to treat atherosclerosis. He is the "go-to" research mentor for all biomedical engineering faculty members at Emory.

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    Tanja Jovanovic

    Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

    Dr. Jovanovic is advancing the field of brain imaging in children with trauma exposure to better understand critical periods of development and when early interventions are going to be most effective. She and her colleagues are using innovative functional MRI techniques longitudinally with children at high risk for trauma exposure.

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    Tongzhong Ju

    Department of Biochemistry

    Dr. Ju studies how glycobiology links to human disease. His groundbreaking work led to the cloning of T-synthase and identification of the molecular chaperone Cosmc (C1GalT1C1). He was recently awarded a large grant to grow this area at Emory.

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    Jordan Kempker

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Kempker has developed national collaborations and is using big data sets to study disparities in critical care and sepsis.

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    Dawn Laney

    Department of Human Genetics

    Dr. Laney is an internationally recognized expert in Fabry disease. She has spearheaded ThinkGenetic, a pioneering combination of the IBM supercomputer Watson with genetic conditions to empower individuals with genetic conditions and decrease time to diagnosis by healthcare professionals.

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    Brad Leshnower

    Department of Surgery

    Dr. Leshnower studies diseases of the aorta, and is using animal models to improve our understanding the pathophysiology of aortic dissection.

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    Sam Lim

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Lim has created a lupus registry for the entire state of Georgia and leads a number of impactful lupus research trials aimed at understanding the epidemiology and outcomes of lupus, particularly as it impacts lower socioeconomic African Americans.

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    Hui Mao

    Department of Radiology

    Dr. Mao develops and studies ultrasmall MRI contrast agents that have advanced imaging techniques for cancers.

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    Adam Marcus

    Department of Hematology & Medical Oncology

    Dr. Marcus uses creative approaches to find new ways of identifying metastatic cancer cells. He is a strong mentor and excellent citizen of the broader scientific community.

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    Anita McElroy

    Department of Pediatrics

    Dr. McElroy's research focuses on the interactions that occur between the host immune system and emerging viral pathogens using animal model systems, clinical specimens from cases of human disease and in vitro models. She was an instrumental member of the Emory Ebola Virus Treatment Team in 2014-15, helping the clinical team understand the immune function of the Emory Ebola survivors in real time.

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    Carolyn C. Meltzer

    Department of Radiology

    Dr. Meltzer has established herself as a leading researcher in the application of positron emission tomography to understand neuroreceptor function in aging, dementia, and neuro psychiatric disorders. She is an internationally renowned and sought-after speaker in her field.

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    Ken Moberg

    Department of Cell Biology

    Dr. Moberg uses drosphila to study cancer and the role of RNA binding proteins in intellectual disability. He harnesses the power of very precise cell growth control and patterning in the fly eye to define the signaling pathways that control cell growth. He is a creative researcher and an outstanding mentor.

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    Courtney C. Moreno

    Department of Radiology

    Dr. Moreno is focused on developing new techniques using non-radiation methods to screen colorectal cancer. She is hardworking and will go to any length to help sick patients.

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    Shamim Nemati

    Department of Biomedical Informatics

    Dr. Nemati is using innovative big data approaches to identify new clinical indicators for depression and sepsis.

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    Minh Ly Nguyen

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Nguyen established the first HIV cancer registry in Georgia. She studies the epidemiology of HIV treatment outcomes and HIV associated malignancies and co-morbidities.

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    Shuming Nie

    Department of Biomedical Engineering

    Dr. Nie preforms groundbreaking research in developing multi-functional smart nanoparticles for integrated biomedical imaging and therapy. He is one of the most highly cited scholars in the world.

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    Raul Nogueira

    Department of Neurology

    Dr. Nogueira is using interventional approaches to improve the treatment of ischemic stroke. He has led research studies around the globe that have led to a change in best practices in neurology, saving countless lives and preventing disability.

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    Christopher O'Donnell

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. O'Donnell is an academic hospitalist who is developing a much needed improvement in hospital discharge processes. This work will have a tremendous impact on healthcare delivery.

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    Saad Omer

    Department of Pediatrics

    Dr. Omer is a global expert in the design of interventions to evaluate the roles of stakeholders in improving immunization coverage and reducing diseases incidence. He is highly productive and embodies what it means to be a scholar. He is also a superb mentor.

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    Taofeek K. Owonikoko

    Department of Hematology & Medical Oncology

    Dr. Owonikoko studies lung cancer and other cancers of the aerodigestive tract; he is particularly focused on biomarker development and early phase clinical trials of new therapies for small cell lung cancer and thyroid cancer. He has been PI on over 15 early drug development trials including serving as the study chair for two national studies sponsored by the National Cancer Institute.

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    John Petros

    Department of Urology

    Dr. Petros' research focuses on basic mechanisms underlying highly prevalent, potentially lethal diseases, i.e. prostate cancer and other GU malignancies. His work has contributed to our understanding of cancer disparities and has application to screening and risk reduction.

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    Jonathan Ratcliff

    Department of Emergency Medicine

    Dr. Ratcliff is studying innovative treatments for stroke. He leads clinical trials for stroke and epilepsy, is an award winning teacher, and compassionate clinician.

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    David Rye

    Department of Neurology

    Dr. Rye is performing groundbreaking research into the cause of primary hypersomnia, an often disabling condition with excessive sleepiness. Dr. Rye led the team that discovered neurochemical alterations in the spinal fluid of these patients and new treatments that show great promise in reversing the symptoms.

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    Mar Sanchez

    Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

    Dr. Sanchez is a leader in the fields of stress neurobiology and developmental psychobiology. She uses non-human primates to understand the neurobiological mechanism by which early life stress can lead to psychopathology. Her work is at the forefront of translational studies that bridge basic science to the development of new therapies of human developmental psychopathology.

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    David Schuster

    Department of Radiology

    Dr. Schuster is a Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Scientist whose research has led to FDA approval for treatment of prostate cancer with F-18 ACBC.

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    Virginia Shaffer

    Department of Surgery

    Dr. Shaffer is a health services researcher whose research has led to decreases in readmissions for colorectal surgery.

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    Alice Shillingsburg

    Department of Pediatrics

    Dr. Shillingsburg focuses on assessment and treatment of language deficits and is developing strategies to promote language acquisition and social development in children with autism. She is a valued mentor.

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    Steve Traynelis

    Department of Pharmacology

    Dr. Traynelis' research is focused on how the structure of glutamate receptors determines their function in neurotransmission. He also studies rare genetic variants of ion channels that cause epilepsy. He is editor of one of the premiere pharmacology journals and a member of the Emory 1% and Millipub club.

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    Randy Trumbower

    Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

    Dr. Trumbower was the first to demonstrate how intermittent hypoxia can serve as a neurostimulant in humans. He demonstrated favorable responses to intermittent hypoxia in spinal cord-injured patients, and is further refining this intervention.

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    Camille Vaughan

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Vaughan’s research is accelerating the implementation of tools to support appropriate prescribing practices for older adults who are seen in the Emergency Department. Her work is being disseminated across the Emory health system including the VA and Grady and now nationally. Her leadership in the Department of Medicine Research Community has improved the collaborations across the Department.

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    Edmund Waller

    Department of Hematology & Medical Oncology

    Dr. Waller is a physician scientist with a focus on cell therapy. He uses cutting-edge basic science research to elucidate the basis of graft rejection. His translational research efforts include the use of VIP antagonists to modulate graft versus host disease.

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    Collin Weber

    Department of Surgery

    Dr. Weber has devoted his career to developing treatments for Type 1 diabetes. He has explored the use of protective encapsulated islets as a viable cure for patients with Type 1 diabetes.

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    David Weiss

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Weiss is a rising star who has become a leader in innate host defenses against bacterial infection. He has published extensively on antibiotic resistance and has demonstrated that a subpopulation of resistant bacteria can prolong infection. He is the founder and director of the Emory Antibiotic Resistance Center.

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    Neale Weitzmann

    Department of Medicine

    Dr. Weitzmann's research is focused on the impact of immune dysfunction and immunosuppressive agents on skeletal remodeling. His work will make a real difference for HIV patients.

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    Nick Willett

    Department of Orthopaedics

    Dr. Willett uses cell-based approaches and manipulation of matrix to promote bone induction and repair. He also mentors the ortho residents on their research projects.

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    Steve Wolf

    Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

    Dr. Wolf uses sensory feedback or mixed reality to enhance control of aberrant movement in neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders. His work has high impact on rehabilitation after stroke.

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    Anna Woodbury

    Department of Anesthesiology

    Dr. Woodbury is interested in alternative medicine therapies for pain. In collaboration with other Emory faculty, she has recently completed a book which will be published soon.

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    Lily Yang

    Department of Surgery

    Dr. Yang conducts translational research using cutting-edge cancer nanotechnology and molecular imaging approaches to develop protocols for effective treatment of cancer patients with drug resistant pancreatic, breast and ovarian cancers. She is one of the leading researchers in targeted and image-guided cancer therapy using multifunctional nanoparticles.

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    Steve Yeh

    Department of Ophthalmology

    Dr. Yeh is a leading expert in uveitis. He is the first and only physician to evaluate Ebola persistence in the eye.

  • Emory School of Medicine